Local biohazard & trauma cleanup company provides CORONAVIRUS remediation expertise
WHO: Bio-One of Asheville, a local biohazard & trauma cleaning company serving Western North Carolina.
WHAT: Owners Matthew Gregg and Krista Gregg are available to discuss the protocol to properly disinfect an area (eg: home, workspace, warehouse) in the case of a coronavirus (or other infectious disease) infection ensuring that the surroundings are decontaminated, a re-infection does not occur and that the disease does not continue to spread.
Bio-One of Asheville has experience with disinfecting and disinfecting after infectious diseases, including MRSA, C. DIFF, STAPH, HIV and more.
WHEN: As needed.
With recent reported cases in Western North Carolina, Bio-One of Asheville is prepared to assist with the remediation of COVID-19. After confirmed infection, a space must be professionally disinfected before it can be occupied. Experienced biohazard cleaning technicians know how to remediate the area, and prevent further contamination and infection. Our teams use the most up-to-date equipment and protocols. Bio-One is certified, licensed and insured, and available 24/7.
With Bio-One offices throughout the state, our teams are prepared to assist wherever needed in North Carolina.
Bio-One of Asheville, locally owned and operated, is a franchise of Bio-One, Inc., a leader in crime scene and biohazard cleanup. Currently, there are Bio-One offices throughout NC, and more than 100 offices nationwide. Bio-One is nationally respected and was called upon to assist in the aftermath of the Mandalay Bay mass shooting in 2017 and the Pulse nightclub shooting in 2016.